Thursday, July 28, 2016
Today was a more challenging day for mom. The clarity of the diagnosis and battle she is about to embark, made for a tearful day. She was moved out of the ICU last night and into Powell- 4th Floor. The adjustment to the 4th floor has been a tough one, as the competition from our former 7th floor, is stiff. (THEY WERE AMAZING NURSES AND SUPPORT STAFF)
She remains a sass and is having great fun with all she encounters. When they asked her preferred name, she went with 'The Queen'. Going to the bathroom is merely all about the Queen & her Throne, literally.
We visited with 9 different people today to begin future care planning. They are looking to remove the stiches from the incision in 10-12 days. They anticipate beginning radiation 2-3 days after that. We hope to have her moved to the Younkers Rehab facility (there at Methodist) to continue to build her strength and gain mobility back into the left side of her body. The Doctors are looking to get her into a clinical trial of some sort, if she meets the criteria needed to participate.
We ask for continued thoughts and prayers for her as she is embracing all of this information... It is a lot to digest! Please use the comments section here to send well wishes, stories and fun memories for her to read through and reflect-Methodist also offers the e-cards you can send to her. They print them out and deliver them to her room, she loves to get mail!!
Much love and humbled gratitude~ Venessa